RFID vs. Apple AirTag – What is the Difference?

Introduction In an increasingly interconnected world, technology continues to play a pivotal role in tracking and identifying assets, inventory, and personal belongings. Among the myriad of innovative solutions, RFID technology and Apple’s AirTag have gained significant attention. While both serve the purpose of tracking, they cater to different markets and operate on distinct principles. This […]

Huawei Mate XT and NFC: A New Era in Business Networking

Introduction In a world where technology continually reshapes the way we communicate, the Huawei Mate XT stands out as a powerful tool for professionals seeking to enhance their networking capabilities. With its robust support for Near Field Communication (NFC), this innovative smartphone allows users to share contact information, access digital content, and engage in seamless […]

How NFC Works on iPhone 16

Introduction The iPhone 16 continues to enhance its NFC (Near Field Communication) capabilities, making it easier than ever to utilize this versatile technology. With NFC now running seamlessly in the background since the iPhone 11, users can effortlessly interact with NFC-enabled objects. This guide will walk you through how NFC works on the iPhone 16, […]

How to test the WalletMate Mobile NFC Reader function on MAC

Please refer to the window section for preparation : https://nfc-readers.com/how-to-test-the-walletmate-mobile-nfc-reader-function-on-windows/ ACS VAs Test Tool (Mac) Launch the TestAppleVas 1.Download and install the latest WalletMate Driver from us. 2.Unzip the file ACSVas-vX.X.X.zip which provided by our salesman. 3.Connect your WalletMate Mobile Wallet NFC Reader to your MacBook via USB cable. 4.If there is a pop message, click […]

Kako preizkusiti apple vas in google vas na Androidu

Prosimo, glejte razdelek okna za pripravo: https://nfc-readers.com/how-to-test-the-walletmate-mobile-nfc-reader-function-on-windows/ ACS VAS Test Tool (Android) Zaženite Aplikacija Apple Vas Test 1. Prenesite datoteko ACS_VAS_Test_ Tool_Android-XXX, ki jo je zagotovil naš prodajalec, v mobilni ali tablični računalnik Android. 2. Pomaknite se do ACS_VAS_Test_Tool_Android-XXX/ACSVas API demo programs/TestAppleVas-XXX/, kliknite TestApple Vas-XXXapk, da namestite aplikacijo. Izvorna koda JAVA […]

Kako preizkusiti funkcijo WalletMate Mobile NFC Reader v sistemu Windows

 Uvod WalletMate Mobile Wallet NFC Reader je eden od Googlovih terminalov s pametnim dotikom, ki lahko bere Google Wallet Pass. WalletMate ima tudi certifikat Apple VAS in lahko bere Apple Wallet Pass. Ta dokument vas bo vodil pri prijavi in ustvarjanju Apple Wallet in Google Wallet Passes ter predstavil potek dela za uporabo WalletMate.WalletMate […]

Kako uporabljati bralnik Bluetooth ACR1555U-A1 NFC v telefonu iOS?

Uvod ACR1555U-A1 Secure Bluetooth® NFC Reader ACS mobile Card Reader Utility je aplikacija, ki prikazuje uporabo nadzora dostopa za ACS Bluetooth® NFC čitalnike. Za popoln dostop do funkcij aplikacije povežite bralnik ACS Bluetooth® NFC in ga uporabite s pametno kartico. Podprti bralnik pametnih kartic je ACR1555U-A1 Secure Bluetooth® NFC Reader, podprte pametne kartice […]

Kako se zapestnice RFID uporabljajo na olimpijskih igrah v Parizu

Olimpijske igre v Parizu so se uradno odprle, kanadski olimpijski komite pa je svojim športnikom, trenerjem, družinam, medijem in oboževalcem omogočil nov, visokotehnološki način udeležbe – prek tehnologije zapestnic RFID, ki jo ponuja Connect&GO, ki omogoča brezhiben dostop, plačevanje in VIP storitve. Ta inovativna poteza ne le izboljšuje operativno učinkovitost, ampak tudi omogoča kanadskim […]

KAKO uporabljati bralnik NFC Bluetooth ACR1311U za branje UID kartice

Potrebna orodja in oprema: čitalnik Bluetooth ACR1311U, kartica mifare, mobilna programska oprema BTDEMO.apk Najprej: povlecite bralnik ACR1311U v položaj Bluetooth, kliknite programsko opremo BTDEMO, nameščeno na telefonu, vklopite Bluetooth, s tem boste iskali napravo Bluetooth čitalnika kot prikazano na sliki ACR1311U-N2 Drugič: kliknite ime naprave, da vnesete povezavo […]